The Historical Archive of the Government of Biscay (BFAH /AHFB) seeks to be a deposit, a location to safeguard and make available all the historical documentation about Biscay available to the public, whatever its origin or medium, with no limitations except those provided by the law for historical documents and their public consultation.
The Archive began to be compiled in 1990 with the addition, on the one hand, of own funds from the Territorial Government of Biscay, which was known until then as the Archive of the Assembly House of Gernika, located in the Provincial Archive of Biscay and in several offices attached to the Government of Biscay. On the other hand, from the judicial resources of the Corregidor of Biscay, from its mayoral offices and other judicial courts prior to the 20th Century; from the resources of local councils in the historical territory that agree thereto, from certain notary protocols that were disperse, materials from different institutions and enterprises originally located in Biscay, and from the archives of some Biscay families.
The Regional Historical Archive of Biscay currently has the following numbers on catalogued and digitalised files.
Catalogued documents
Digitalised documents
Archive structure
PDF Administration section annex (270 KB)
SUB-SECTION DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION ANNEX Government and Ecclesiastical Affairs 1338-1983 70.203 100% catalogued Municipal and Urban Regime 1732-1975 80.702 100% catalogued Primary sector, Industry and Commerce 1601-1980 3.813 - 26% catalogued
- 37% inventory in consultation room
Public Security, Wars and Military Service 1684-1942 186.562 - 54% catalogued
- 35% in catalog
- 9% inventory in room
Works, Transport and Communications 1639-1988 9.955 - 7% catalogued
- 92% inventory in consultation room
Treasury and Statistics 1565-1983 2.570 - 3% catalogued
- 77% inventory in consultation room
Health, Social Care and Environment 1762-1983 0 - 0% catalogued
- 95% inventory in consultation room with control of confidential information
Education and Culture 1592-1983 0 - 0% catalogued
- 98% inventory in consultation room
PDF Municipal section annex (250 KB)
Municipality DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION ANNEX Abadiño - 1776-1940
- 1940-1970
620 100% catalogued Abanto Zierbena 1776-1940 - 9.830
- --
- 50% catalogued
- 50% in catalog
Ajangiz 1709-1939 850 100% catalogued Amorebieta - 1829-1965
- 1641-1966
- 2.613
- 5.101
- 30% catalogued
- 70% accessible in consultation room
Amorebieta: Etxano 1733-1957 451 Accessible in consultation room Amoroto 1565-1940 792 100% catalogued Arakaldo 1755-1940 259 100% catalogued Arantzazu 1869-1940 387 100% catalogued Areatza 1516-1940 1.564 100% catalogued Arrankudiaga 1616-1940 830 100% catalogued Arrankudiaga: Zollo 1793-1955 674 100% catalogued Arratzu 1717-1960 1.518 100% catalogued Arrieta 1549-1940 462 100% catalogued Arrigorriaga 1604-1940 5.814 100% catalogued Artea 1679-1940 1.725 100% catalogued Atxondo 1544-1963 4.952 100% catalogued Atxondo: Apatamonasterio 1831-1940 798 100% catalogued PDFPDF 14 - ATXONDO - APATAMONASTERIO AYTO ISAD_EN.pdf-227KB
Atxondo: Axpe Marzana 1544-1962 2.620 100% catalogued Atxondo: Arrazola 1621-1963 1.534 100% catalogued Aulesti 1609-1940 856 100% catalogued Bakio 1845-1940 222 100% catalogued Barrika 1739-1940 2.686 100% catalogued Basauri 1693-1940 8.186 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Bedia 1848-1940 107 100% catalogued Berango 1758-1940 1.105 100% catalogued Bilbao 1300-1936 210.542 - 95% catalogued
- 5% in catalog
Bilbao: Abando 1771-1894 2.137 100% catalogued Bilbao: Begoña 1519-1925 9.133 100% catalogued Bilbao: Deusto 1300-1936 9.589 - 75% catalogued
- 25% catalogue accessible in consultation room
Busturia 1624-1940 1.500 100% catalogued Derio 1569-1940 353 100% catalogued Dima 1799-1940 94 100% catalogued Ea 1881-1940 1.347 100% catalogued Ea: Bedarona 1869-1883 13 100% catalogued Ea: Natxitua 1814-1938 99 100% catalogued Elantxobe 1782-1940 349 100% catalogued Elorrio - 1493-1958
- 1444-1968
- --
- 2.033
- 4.710
- 3.500
- 20% catalogued
- 40% catalogue accessible in consultation room
- 40% in catalog
Erandio 1770-1960 17.790 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Ereño 1635-1940 343 100% catalogued > Ermua 1833-1940 210 100% catalogued Etxebarri 1631-1940 583 100% catalogued Gamiz-Fika 1928-1955 146 100% catalogued Gamiz-Fika: Gámiz 1787-1935 391 100% catalogued Gamiz-Fika: Fika 1884-1928 7 100% catalogued Forua 1606-1940 559 100% catalogued Fruiz 1648-1940 334 100% catalogued Galdakao - 1823-1917
- 1833-1977
- 13.148
- 6.591
- 66% catalogued
- 33% catalogue accessible in consultation room
Galdames 1614-1940 1.703 100% catalogued Gatika 1743-1940 353 100% catalogued Gautegiz Arteaga 1608-1940 1.077 100% catalogued Gordexola 1406-1940 2.462 100% catalogued Gorliz 1668-1950 2.321 100% catalogued Güeñes - 1578-1944
- 1831-1940
- 4.375
- 1.721
- 70% catalogued
- 30% catalogue accessible in consultation room
Ibarrangelu 1624-1940 2.896 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Igorre 1734-1940 1.035 100% catalogued Ispaster 1720-1940 124 100% catalogued Izurtza 1657-1940 1.233 100% catalogued Karranza Harana/ Valle de Carranza 1829-1940 3.085 100% catalogued PDFPDF 48 - KARRANTZA HARANA VALLE DE CARRANZA AYTO ISAD_EN.pdf-239KB
Lanestosa 1525-1940 567 100% catalogued Larrabetzu 1636-1940 991 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Laukiz 1835-1940 119 100% catalogued Leioa 1731-1940 4.588 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Lemoa 1852-1940 835 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Lemoiz 1704-1940 450 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Lezama 1661-1940 1.091 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Loiu 1691-1940 761 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Mallabia 1586-1939 178 100% catalogued Mañaria 1743-1940 795 100% catalogued Maruri-Jatabe 1815-1940 603 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Mendexa 1632-1940 1.349 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Meñaka 1786-1940 33 100% catalogued Morga 1635-1940 597 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Mundaka 1506-1932 421 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Mungia 1577-1981 15.142 100% catalogue accessible in consultation room Munitibar: Arbatzegi 1631-1899 123 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Munitibar: Gerrikaitz 1565-1883 125 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Munitibar: Arbatzegi - Gerrikaitz 1601-1940 1.143 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Murueta 1588-1940 942 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Muskiz 1844-1970 3.972 100% catalogued Muxika 1650-1902 29 100% catalogued Muxika: Ibarruri 1539-1935 17 100% catalogued Muxika: Gorozika 1772-1966 1.568 Accessible in consultation room Nabarniz 1642-1928 167 100% catalogued Ondarroa 1490-1940 2.107 100% catalogued Orozko 1519-1940 1.098 100% catalogued Ortuella 1661-1940 18.068 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Santurtzi - 1775-1940
- 1863-1950
- 1940-1970
- 1.394
- 5.813
- --
- 10% catalogued
- 40% catalogue accessible in consultation room
- 50% pending cataloging
Sestao - 1828-1983
- 1851-1968
- 1941-1970
- 47.289
- 8.123
- --
- 40% catalogued
- 10% catalogue accessible in consultation room
- 50% pending cataloging
Sondika 1761-1985 3.249 100% catalogued Sopela 1819-1956 1.370 100% catalogued Sukarrieta 1819-1960 932 100% catalogued Trucios - Turtzioz 1529-1969 7.337 100% catalogued Ubide 1669-1940 236 100% catalogued Ugao-Miraballes 1832-1955 10.407 Catalogue accessible in consultation room Urduliz 1803-1940 1.135 100% catalogued Urduña-Orduña - 1332-1960
- 1256-1945
- 6.243
- 4.404
- 55% catalogued
- 45% catalogue accessible in consultation room
Valle de Trápaga - Trapagaran - 1729-1984
- 1800-1984
- 13.613
- 5.587
- 70% catalogued
- 30% catalogue accessible in consultation room
Zaldibar 1462-1940 2.470 100% catalogued Zalla 1651-1940 8.252 100% catalogued Zamudio 1785-1940 1.280 100% catalogued Zamudio y Derio 1925-1932 195 100% catalogued Zaratamo 1600-1945 3.184 100% catalogued Zeanuri 1532-1940 4.083 100% catalogued Ziortza-Bolibar 1563-1974 2.831 100% catalogued -
PDF Judicial section annex (178 KB)
Resource DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION Mayor 1805-1808 2.310 100% catalogued Ordinary and constitutional mayors 16th-19th c. 10.000 98% catalogued Mayors with council jurisdiction 16th-19th c. 3.800 98% catalogued Appeals Commission 1810-1812 379 100% catalogued Consulate of Bilbao 1511-1828 7.600 100% catalogued Corregidor of Biscay 16th-19th c. 62.000 95% catalogued Investigating Court of Bilbao 19th c. 5.410 90% catalogued Justices of the Peace 19th c. 4.175 98% catalogued Municipal Court 19th c. 433 98% catalogued Court of First Instance and Investigating Courts 19th-20th c. 37.800 90% catalogued Deputy Mayor of Local Council of Durango 1528-1879 387 100% catalogued Lieutenant General 16th-19th c. 16.500 98% catalogued Deputy Mayor of District of Las Encartaciones 16th-19th c. 469 95% catalogued Extraordinary Criminal Court 1808-1813 114 100% catalogued Trade Tribunal of Bilbao 1830-1868 3.348 100% catalogued -
PDF Notarial section annex (135 KB)
RESOURCE DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION Local Council of Busturia 1580-1824 18.561 20% catalogued Bermeo 1704 Inventory accessible in consultation room Gernika 1560-1829 Inventory accessible in consultation room Gerrikaitz 1544-1604 Inventory accessible in consultation room Lekeitio 1532-1808 22.402 90% catalogued Local Council of Uribe 1643-1803 Inventory accessible in consultation room Mungia 1507-1795 4.124 60% catalogued Plentzia 1628-1688 Inventory accessible in consultation room Bilbao 1542-1593 2.005 100% catalogued Miravalles 1595-1754 Inventory accessible in consultation room Local Council of Zornotza 1571-1863 1.401 Inventory accessible in consultation room Local Council of Arratia 1698-1793 Inventory accessible in consultation room Local Council of Durango 1717-1856 Inventory accessible in consultation room Encartaciones 1593-1808 Inventory accessible in consultation room -
PDF Institutional section annex (171 KB)
RESOURCE DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION ANNEX ITC Industrial Centre of Biscay 1765 - 1967 3.065 Catalogue Biscay League of Producers 1850 - 1969 1.789 Catalogue Economic Society of Friends of the Country 1765 - 1951 259 Catalogue Guild of Lekeitio 1457 -1989 974 Catalogue Consulate of Bilbao 1511 - 1828 17.500 - Catalogue
- Digitalised
Board of Trade of Bilbao 1749 -1910 5.318 Catalogue Trade Tribunal of Bilbao 1813 - 1901 2.149 Catalogue -
PDF Companies section annex (178 KB)
Resource Activity Dates Nº OF FILES Description ANNEX ACENOR 1920-1991 95 100% catalogued Agruminsa Steel industry 1846-1999 10.037 Catalogue Biscay blast furnaces Mining 1785-2000 8.709 Catalogue Aurrera Machinery 1886-1980 5.778 Catalogue Cellars of Bilbao Wine sector 1902 - 1967 1.884 Catalogue Echevarria Steel industry 1920-1991 95 Catalogue Various companies 1867-1893 187 Catalogue Gastón y Daniela Textiles 1914-1991 574 Catalogue Horacio Echevarrieta Maruri Naval and Mining 1800 - 2000 1.720 Catalogue La Aeronáutica Aerial construction 1927 - 1981 134 Catalogue La Conchita Textiles 1900 - 1975 3.623 Catalogue La Encartada Textiles 1798-1993 4.986 Catalogue Larrinaga y Castet Shipbuilding 1905-1907 174 Catalogue Sociedad Española de Construcciones Metálicas Steel industry 1915-1979 15 Catalogue PDFPDF 10 - SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE CONSTRUCCIONES METÁLICAS_EN.pdf-168KB
Sociedad Española de Explotaciones Mineras Mining 1872-1983 66 Catalogue Sota - Aznar Shipbuilding 1788-1987 15.000 Catalogue The Garrucha y Vizcaina Bedar Mining 1854-1933 457 Catalogue Art glasswork Artistic glasswork 1914-2000 - 1.373 documents
- 560 drawings
- 1.685 sketches
Catalogue Yohn Ironmongery 1824-1926 664 Catalogue -
PDF Family section annex (203 KB)
Resource DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION ANNEX Almirante Urrutia 1521-1990 366 Catalogue Andrés Espinosa 1922-2003 114 Catalogue Artaza Libarona 1779-1905 146 Catalogue Bariñas Zumelzu 1560-1880 31 Catalogue Beingoolea 1673-1867 50 Catalogue Beraguas Loizaga 1485-1936 294 Catalogue Berganzo 1667-1774 3 Catalogue Conde de Villarrea 1556-1870 43 Catalogue Gómez de la Torre 1536-1866 46 Catalogue Goossens 1675-1889 121 Catalogue Gortazar 1513-1967 1.216 Catalogue Larrea 1476-1906 295 Catalogue Longa 1770-1969 2.962 Catalogue Marqués de Villarías 1440-1950 6.655 Catalogue Menchaca 1605-1924 125 Catalogue Mugartegui 1662-1939 63 Catalogue Novia de Salcedo 1506-1930 313 Catalogue Romualdo Chavarri 1841-1941 348 Catalogue Rotaeche 1857-1945 1.225 Catalogue Salazar 1461-1933 341 Catalogue Sota 1610-1977 825 Catalogue Velasco 1404-1791 807 Catalogue Vildosola 1525-1917 102 Catalogue Ybarra 1587-1986 6.891 Catalogue Zabalburu 1699-1963 545 Catalogue -
PDF Music section annex (170 KB)
Resource DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION Arriola- Lerchundi 1795 - 2014 76 Catalogue BILBAO ARISTEGUI 1790 - 2015 487 Catalogue Carmelo Bernaola 1929 - 2001 141 Catalogue COUNCIL OF BISCAY 1735 - 1989 894 Catalogue Emma Chacón 1857 - 1964 137 Catalogue SANTA CECILIA OF PAMPLONA 1893 - 1932 56 Catalogue SANTA CECILIA DE BILBAO SCHOLA CANTORUM 1904 - 1933 54 Catalogue CHORAL SOCIETY OF BILBAO 1872 - 1995 1.707 Catalogue CAMPOS ELISEOS THEATRE 1874 - 1954 744 Catalogue URRENGOECHEA 1924 - 1967 111 Catalogue ZUBIZARRETA 1921 - 1964 19 Catalogue -
PDF Photography section annex (223 KB)
Resource DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION ANNEX Aerial photograph 1910 - 1974 255 Catalogue Historical photograph 1873 - 1874 96 - Catalogue
- Digitalised
RAMIREZ - TOLOSA 1969 - 2014 1128 - Catalogue
- Digitalised
PDF Church section annex (206 KB)
Sub-section/Resource DATES Nº OF FILES DESCRIPTION Las Mercedes Social Housing 1926-1967 20 Catalogue Jesuitas 1536-1778 19 Catalogue Zenarruza Collegiate Church 1366-1851 582 - Catalogue
- Digitalised
This unit covers heterogeneous documentary collections that do not respond to the principle of provenance, but are artificially complied under diverse criteria, such as by subject, format or medium
- Winter
- Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 20:30
- Saturday: 09:00 to 13:00
- Summer
Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 19:30
- Winter
- The investigation must be finished and returned the documentation 15 minutes before the Investigators Room (Reading room) closes.
- Hours to request documentation:
- From 09:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 19:30 (Winter)
- From 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:30 (Summer)
- From 09:00 to 12:00 (Saturday - winter schedule)
- WINTER (From 2nd of January to 9 of June and 15th of September to 30th of December, both dates inclusive)
- Monday-Friday: 09:00 - 20:30
- Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
- During the winter period the Archive will remain closed the following days:
- 1 & 6 January
- 17, 18 & 21 April
- 1 May
- 25 & 31 July
- 6, & 25 December
- SUMMER (From 9th of June to 12th of September, both dates inclusive)
Monday-Friday: 09:00 - 19:30
- Closed:
- 25 & 31 July
- 15th & 22 August
- ASTE NAGUSIA (Local holiday):
Open only morning 18, 19, 20 & 21/VIII/2025
- NOTE: The period of 2025 r the AHFB will open the following Saturdays
- January 18 and 25
- February 1, 8, 15 and 22
- March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29
- April 3
- May 10, 17, 24 and 31
- June 7
- September 27
- October 4, 11, 18 and 25
- November 8, 15, 22 and 29
- December 13
- WINTER (From 2nd of January to 9 of June and 15th of September to 30th of December, both dates inclusive)
- Access: to access the HISTORICAL ARCHIVE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF BISCAY (BFAH/AHFB), you only need to present your ID card or equivalent document.
- Documentary information: is designed for the public and institutions. We provide information on the archive (resources, descriptive instruments…) and guide the research of those people who come to the centre and those who make enquiries by phone, in writing or over the Internet.
- Reprography
- Maximum number of photocopies per person/day: 20
- Digital copy: 0,15 € (Frame)
- Price per photocopy:
- 0,10 € (A4)
- 0,20 € (A3)
- Recorders and reproducers of images and sound, cameras, mobile telephones and scanner may not be used without the consent of those responsible for the Archive.
Historical Archive of The Government of Biscay (BFAH/AHFB)
María Díaz de Haro Street, 11 48013 BILBAO (BIZKAIA)
By bus
- BIZKAIBUS: The bus lines that stop near the Historical Archive of the Government of Biscay (BFAH /AHFB) are numbers A3340, A3151, A3247 (airport), A3, (stop at Gran Vía 79)
- BILBOBUS: The bus lines that stop near the Historical Archive of the Government of Biscay (BFAH / AHFB) are numbers 26, 58, 62, A3, (stop at Gran Vía 62)
- TERMIBUS: The main bus station in Bilbao is that of Termibús, close to the intermodal station of San Mamés. You can get to the Termibús from the San Mamés stop of Metro Bilbao, from the Bilbao tramway (EuskoTran) and from the Renfe train company´s suburban lines.
By car
Departing Santander (A8) / with destination Donostia/San Sebastián Vitoria/Gasteiz or Pamplona / Iruñea (A68 and A8): from the motorway that rings the city by taking the Bilbao - Sagrado Corazón exit. At the end of the avenue of arrival (Sabino Arana Avenue) at the level of Sagrado Corazón square, turn right down Gran Vía. Once on Gran Vía take the first right down María Díaz de Haro street, and you will find BFAH /AHFB at number 11 of this street.
The Historical Archive of the Government of Biscay (BFAH/AHFB) does not have its own visitor car park. However, it is possible to park in surrounding municipal parking spaces (payment by parking meter) or in the nearby car parks of Indautxu Plaza or Euskalduna Confernece Center:
- Euskalduna Conference Center car park: go down Sabino Arana Avenue until you see the sign for the car park.
- Indautxu Plaza car park: from Juan de Garay street or Zabalburu Square, turn right to take San Mames Street. You can go into the car park just before reaching Indautxu Square.
By underground
The closest underground stations to the Historical Archive of the Government of Biscay (BFAH (AHFB) are Indautxu (Areilza exit) and San Mamés station (Sabino Arana exit).
By tramway
The closest tramway stops to the Historical Archive of the Government of Biscay (BFAH/AHFB) are Euskalduna and Sabino Arana
by train
The closest suburban stations to the Historical Archive of the Government of Biscay (BFAH/ AHFB) are those of Autonomía station (María Díaz de Haro exit) and San Mamés station (Luis Briñas exit).
Historical Archive of the Government of Biscay (BFAH/AHFB)
María Díaz de Haro Street, 11 48013 BILBO (Bizkaia)
- Telephone number: 94 4067722
- Fax number: 94 4276344
- E-mail: agiri@bizkaia.eus
A collection such as the one conserved at the Provincial Archive is a window to the past. An isolated document may be the subject of individual study and show us a situation, a problem or a solution to a problem at a specific moment in our history. When researching a set of documents, this vision is enhanced and can lead us to understanding a way of being, of thinking or of living.
Transcriptions of Medieval Documentation
File transcripts
The transcription and digital edition of part of the Medieval Documentation of Eastern Cantabria are now available. The transcribed documents come from five types of archives and their online resources: state archives (Simancas Archive, Chancillería de Valladolid, National Historical Archive, nobility and others), Basque Provincial Council archives (Provincial Historical Archive of Bizkaia, General Archive of Gipuzkoa and Provincial Archive of Gipuzkoa), municipal archives, private archives accessible through the Sancho el Sabio Foundation and digitisations carried out by the Basque Government.
File transcripts
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We show you hereinbelow the different categories of cookies that our web page uses. You can personalise your choice by accepting or rejecting these categories through the buttons enabled to that end. For more information, consult our cookies policy (Opens modal window).
Technical Always active
These are needed to allow browsing on our website and for basic tasks related to correct website operation.